Field Guide to Wet Lab
The Field Guide to Wet Lab is a publication I initiated and edited, produced in tandem with the project space exhibition Wet Lab at The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education, which ran from May 23 - August 18, 2018. The Field Guide was developed between May 2018 and its publication in February 2019.
The goals of Field Guide to Wet Lab were two-fold: to capture the expansive, process-based, and often experiential projects that unfolded throughout the summer, and also to extend the ideas and practices of Wet Lab artists in new directions, offering additional dimension and opportunity to explore for readers encountering the work beyond the time and space of the exhibition.
I envisioned the publication concept, collaborated with Wet Lab artists to develop new materials for print emerging from their exhibition projects, worked with Schyulkill Center arts staff to coordinate the inclusion of exhibition documentation, wrote an introductory statement to the Field Guide project, and designed the printed publication.
More about Wet Lab
More about The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education
2018Click to here for excerpt PDF.